The Life Story of Uncle Karl

Chris Koerner

This is my Uncle Karl. Yesterday we explored this land together and I had never even met him before.

He has quite the life story.

At 51 he was a well respected dentist in SLC, in the peak of his career. Unexpectedly, the LDS church asked him to sell everything and move his family to Taiwan to spend 3 years overseeing missionary efforts there.

Aside from the church covering basic expenses, it was unpaid.

As devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, without even a thought, he and his wife agreed.

They sold their house and business and moved to Taiwan with their 14 year old son.

They spent 3 years overseeing hundreds of young missionaries and serving the locals. It was an amazing experience.

When he got home at 54 they didn't have any plans, income or nearly enough money to retire.

He decided to start a business helping educate dentists on how to improve their surgical skills around the world.

Within 3 months of coming home he was making more money than he ever made as a dentist.

He continued to serve his family and the church until today. He's 80 now, and thriving.

He's been on over 35 humanitarian trips to China to perform free dental work.

Dentists pay his company $7k to improve their craft under his team's watchful eye, while they perform free dental work on people in Chicago, Dallas, SLC and the Dominican Republic.

His still works 30-40 hours per week today, and absolutely loves it.

Other dentists refer to him as a "legend" of dentistry, and I've had people stop and tell me that when they hear my last name.

And 2 days ago I hardly knew anything about him. How cool is that?

What's my point with all of this?

Whether you're amish, LDS, muslim, or anything else, I have immense respect and gratitude for anyone that goes "all in" on something they truly believe in.

And I'm grateful for inspiring family members like Karl and Carol that show me the way with both their words and actions.

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