Mind Blowing Facts About This Remarkable Piece of Real Estate

Chris Koerner

Every 6 months, 21,000 people come from all over the world to gather in a remarkable piece of real estate.Most have no idea how massive, one of a kind & record-breaking this unique building is.

The building is for LDS church members to gather for "General Conference." Now for the crazy facts:

- There's a man-made waterfall inside that's fed from a natural creek, plus a 4 acre garden on the roof!

- It's 1.4 million square feet and only took 3 years to build


- It's the largest theatre-style auditorium ever built

- The concrete footings for the roof structure are 8 feet thick & 40 feet wide

- It's built to withstand floods & 8.4 richter scale earthquakes

- There are no columns or obstructed views across all 21k seats. Shown below:


- The upper level is designed to sink 5/8 of an inch when full (freaky)

-Every piece of the stage is movable, designed to be converted for stage productions and concerts

- There are 50,000 miles of electrical wire in the building, enough to circle the globe twice


- The organ is 1 of 1, & its pipes range from 3/4 inch to 40 feet tall. Install took 3 years!

- The carpet & upholstery are designed to reduce reverberation from the speakers

- From the balcony's top to the podium is as long as a football field. You could fit a 747 inside!


- An additional 18,000,000 pounds could be placed on the roof without it collapsing, with a weight-bearing capacity of 300 lbs per square inch

- It was built to last 150+ years

- The main chandelier is 3 stories tall


- It was made from the same granite quarry as the famous SLC temple across the street, which took 40 years to build!

- The parking garage below hold 1,300 cars and is 450,000 square feet, as big as 2 Costcos

- It took over 1,100 workers and 80 subcontractors to finish


- The garden on the roof has a full irrigation system and an elaborate snow melting system and water collection system

- Conference is broadcasted to over 200 countries around the world and has been happening for 193 years

- The speakers are leaders from the LDS Church, speaking across 5 2 hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday every Fall and Spring, including today!

- #LDSConf is translated into over 100 languages in 60 translation booths downstairs with the help of 800 volunteers

- Talks are given center on Jesus Christ and other topics related to our faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Anyone can tour this building for free. Regardless of your faith, or no faith even, Temple Square is an awesome, special place to visit, even if you're purely a real estate aficionado.

I better wrap this up so I can go watch myself. You can stream live in YouTube.

Hope you found this interesting! Follow me @mhp_guy for more cool (most business and real estate investing) stuff.


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